الخميس، 25 فبراير 2016

The owner of the longest nails in the world did not cut them from 60 years

The owner of the longest nails in the world did not cut them from 60 years

' shirdhar Shilal ' from the Indian city  ' Pune ' didn’t  cut his nails from over 6 decades
As he let them grow since he was in school, and now he became the holder the
Index of the longest fingernails on one hand, and all the nails in his left hand have reached
909.6 centimeters long
His thumb nail length reaches 197.5 cm, and the central one comes in the second place by
186.6 cm, with regard to the length of the ring finger, fingernail reached 181.6 cm, and the small on is 19.1 cm
, and finally the index finger length is 164.5 cm,
 As you can imagine he has Sacrificed work and love for hid nails and he declared that he can't move so much as every Half hour he wakes up to stir his hand to the other side when he is sleeping in bed

and the reason that makes him grow up his nails to such an extent was that  He has been punished in
school because he has broken his teacher’s nail and from this time he decide to grow up his nails

when  ' shilal ' decide to grow up his nails he received many criticisms
and opposition from his family and friends, also he faced a great difficulties since then so that
nobody wash clothes for him
another problem that faced him is that nobody accepts
to rehire him and for marriage, nobody wants to marry him  as he  saw 12 girl if  the girl accepted

to marry him her  parents refuse and  if the parents accept the girl refuse

but, despite all of this, he eventually got married at the age of 29, and he  cut  his right hand nails

and decided to leave his left hand nails to grow so that he can live a normal life

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